Just Cuts New Zealand - News & Media

News & Media

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In good times and in bad hair never stops growing

25 Aug 2020
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7 Things to learn about franchisee, Leigh-Anne Brosens

18 Aug 2020
From teenage apprentice to loyal franchisee,  Leigh-Anne Brosens has been dedicated to the  Just Cuts brand for more than 30 years. And this year she’s celebrating three decades as a franchisee. Hairdresser Denis McFadden came up with the (...)
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Celebrate Father’s day with free gift at Just Cuts

14 Aug 2020
MEDIA RELEASE August 14 2020 Celebrate Father’s day with free gift at Just Cuts Is dad’s hair a COVID casualty? If you’re sick of seeing a layer of artificial turf on dad’s head you can now get Father’s Day sorted and treat yourself too at (...)
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Hairdresser chain: NZ commercial landlords stingy on rent help

13 Aug 2020
This article originally appeared on stuff business: https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/122430517/hairdresser-chain-nz-commercial-landlords-stingy-on-rent-help   The largest hairdressing chain in the Southern Hemisphere has taken a swing (...)
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Just Cuts calls for support for salons impacted by Auckland shutdown

12 Aug 2020
MEDIA RELEASE 12 August 2020 Just Cuts calls for support for salons impacted by Auckland shutdown Just Cuts said support from government and landlords is essential for salons impacted by the COVID shutdown in Auckland and additional (...)
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Just Cuts’ franchisee celebrates 30 years

05 Aug 2020
This article originally appeared on Franchise Business Executive: https://executive.franchisebusiness.com.au/just-cuts-first-franchisee-celebrates-30-years/   Good news to celebrate in a pandemic, Just Cuts’ first franchisee, Leigh-Anne (...)
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Just Cuts Noosa celebrating one year in business

03 Aug 2020
MEDIA RELEASE 3 August 2020   Just Cuts Noosa celebrating one year in business There’s plenty to celebrate at Just Cuts Noosa, with the salon marking a successful first year in business despite COVID-19. Just Cuts Noosa Owners Matt (...)
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Just Cuts welcomes additional financial support from Victorian Government

03 Aug 2020
MEDIA RELEASE 3 August 2020 Just Cuts welcomes additional financial support from Victorian Government Just Cuts welcomes today’s announcement from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews of additional financial support for businesses forced to (...)
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Just Cuts Salons Open New Locations in the North East

30 Jul 2020
This article originally appeared on HJI: https://www.hji.co.uk/business/just-cuts-salons-new-locations-the-north-east/   On 4 July salons across England opened their doors post lockdown Australian salon group Just Cuts opened two new (...)
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Just Cuts Engadine Celebrates 30 Years in Business

29 Jul 2020
This article originally appeared sutherlandshireaustralia.com https://www.sutherlandshireaustralia.com.au/news/just-cuts-engadine-celebrates-30-years-in-business/?home-news Just Cuts Engadine Celebrates 30 Years in Business Just Cuts (...)